200: Attendance Areas
Resident students and students enrolled under an Education Services Agreement are designated to attend schools in attendance areas as established by the Board.
2.1 The Superintendent is responsible for assuring that this Policy is administered according to the requirements of the Education Act.
2.2 While resident students and students enrolled under an Education Services Agreement are designated to attend schools in attendance areas established by the Board, educational or programming needs of students or student/parent preferences may warrant consideration of allowing attendance at a school other than the designated school.
2.3 Resident students may register in schools other than their designated school providing there are sufficient resources and facilities available to accommodate the student. Resident students may register in Programs of Choice (e.g. Logos, French Immersion) at Division schools.
2.4 When a student attends a school outside a designated attendance area, transportation may become the parent(s’)/ guardian(’s)/ independent student’s responsibility.
2.5 A student may be directed by the Associate Superintendent, Education Services or designate, to attend a school out of the student’s designated attendance area.
Policy 245: Appeals Regarding Student Matters
Alberta Education Funding Manual for School Authorities
Education Act: Sections 3(1), 4(1)(8), 7(1), 11(1), 13(1)
2019 Mar 27 Initial Approval
2020 Sep 23 Reviewed
2021 Oct 27 Reviewed
Board Policies II. School Board Governance and Operations