Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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500: Student Transportation Services


The Board establishes and operates a student transportation system to provide service to students who reside within the boundaries of the Sturgeon Public School Division to attend their designated school. This service is available to all students within the Division who qualify for this service in accordance with the criteria outlined in the Education Act and Regulations and Board Policy.

The Board believes that the responsibility for the provision of safe student transportation service is shared by employees of the Division, school bus contractors, school bus operators, parents/guardians and students.


2.1 Student – an individual who is registered in Grades K – 12.

2.2 Eligible Rider - any Pre-K to Grade 6 student/child who lives 1.0 km or farther from their designated school and attends their designated school, and any Grade 7 to 12 student who lives 2.0 km or farther from their designated school and attends their designated school.

2.3 Choice Rider - any student who attends a school other than their designated school.

2.4 Ineligible Rider - any Pre-K to Grade 6 student/child who lives less than 1.0 km from their school of attendance and any Grade 7 to 12 student who lives less than 2.0 km from their school of attendance.

2.5 Supplemental Bus - any student who is accessing an additional bus to an alternate address.

2.6 Outside Boundary Rider - any student who lives outside of the Sturgeon Public School Division boundary and attends a Sturgeon Public School.


3.1 Subject to the regulations, a Board must provide for the transportation of a student to and from their designated school if the student resides within the boundaries of the school division.

3.1.1 Ineligible Riders may be provided with transportation service only if space is available on an existing route.

3.1.2 An Outside Boundary Rider may be provided with transportation services if there is space is available on an existing route, if there is no significant diversion from regular routing, and the parent/guardian has completed the Transfer of Student Transportation Funding Parent Declaration Form prior to October 31.

3.1.3 The Board considers the contracting of bus services to be an acceptable way of providing student transportation.

3.1.4 The Board shall approve school attendance areas for each school.


4.1 Student transportation fees shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Board

4.2 Transportation fees shall be paid prior to accessing busing.

4.3 Payment options shall be made available for transportation fees.

4.4 A waiver process shall be in place for transportation fees to the designated school.


Policy 245 - Appeals Regarding Student Matters
Administrative Procedure 464 - Fees
Administrative Procedure 550 - Contract Bus Service
Education Act: Sections 7(1), 4(1)(8), 59(1)
School Transportation Regulation AR96/2019
Transfer of Student Transportation Funding Parent Declaration Form


2019 Mar 27 Initial Approval
2020 Apr 22 Reviewed
2020 May 27 Amended
2021 Oct 27 Reviewed
2022 Jun 22 Amended
2023 Aug 23 Amended