235: Operational School Year and Calendar
Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent, Human Resources
A board shall determine and make publicly available for each school year the days, dates and number of days of school operation (Education Act Section 60).
The Associate Superintendent Human Resources will be responsible for the process of establishing the operational school year.
a) Instructional Day: A day during the school year when students receive instruction.
b) Instructional Time: Assigned time of instruction to students.
c) Non-instructional Day: A day when school staff have duties assigned by the Board, but students do not attend.
d) Non-operational Day: A day that students and staff do not attend, including but not limited to Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Breaks and general holidays.
e) Operational Day: A day on which teachers provide instruction and/or have other duties assigned by the Board (includes both instructional and non-instructional days).
f) School Calendar: Includes instructional, non-instructional and operational days.
Approval in Principle
1. An operational school year calendar, which includes the School Operational Calendar Day Count and Details, shall be prepared for approval in principle by the Board on or before November 1 one full school year preceding the operational school year through a formal process that includes:
1.1 Senior Executive initial review;
1.2 Committee of the Whole initial review, and
1.3 Board approval.
Final Approval
2. The operational school year calendar shall be prepared for final approval by the Board on or before April 1 one full school year preceding the operational school year through a formal process that includes:
2.1 Senior Executive final review;
2.2 Committee of the Whole final review;
2.3 Administrative Council review;
2.4 Teacher-Board Advisory Committee (TBAC) review
2.5 Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 4625;
2.6 School Council review, and
2.7 Board final review and approval
3. The school year shall meet the requirements as set out in the Education Act and will generally provide for sufficient instructional days to attend to the hours of instruction required by Alberta students.
4. The first day of operation in the school year shall be established to ensure that:
4.1 students at all grade levels have access to at least the minimum hours of instruction specified by Alberta Education
4.1.1 Early Childhood Services (ECS): 475 per school year
4.1.2 Grades 1 through 9: 950 hours per school year
4.1.3 Grades 10 through 12: 1000 hours per school year (500 per semester)
4.2 teachers have access to any professional development activity deemed necessary at the Division or school level, and
4.3 school staff have time deemed necessary for school year start-up.
5. The following shall be classified as non-operational periods:
5.1 Labour Day
5.2 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Day
5.3 Thanksgiving Day
5.4 Remembrance Day
5.5 Family Day
5.6 Good Friday
5.7 Easter Monday
5.8 Victoria Day
5.9 Summer Break
5.10 Christmas Break
5.11 Spring Break
5.12 Fall Break
6. There shall be two (2) days in each school year for Teachers’ Convention.
7. The Board may approve operational, non-instructional days for some or all of the following purposes:
7.1 Parent/teacher conference – two (2) days
7.2 Opening and closing of schools at the beginning and the end of the school year
7.3 Professional Development days
Policy 225: Role of the Board
School Operational Year Calendar Details
School Operational Year Calendar Day-Count
School Operational Year Calendar
Three Year Educational Plan
Education Act: Section 60
Guide to Education ECS to Grade 12
2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2022 Mar 23 Amended
2023 Dec 20 Amended
2024 Apr 18 Amended
Administrative Procedures II. School Board Governance and Operations