701: Support Staff
Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Human Resources
Support staff play a vital role in supporting the system therefore the best-qualified candidates shall be selected.
The Associate Superintendent Human Resources is responsible for maintaining a process to select support staff.
1. All of the vacant positions shall be classified by the Associate Superintendent Human Resources in one of the following ways:
1.1 Open to external and/or internal competition.
1.2 Not open to competition.
2. All vacant positions classified under Procedure 1.1
2.1 Will be advertised according to an approved procedure; and
2.2 Will be filled through an approved selection process.
3. Guideline 1.2 shall apply whenever:
3.1 System surplus school support staff need to be accommodated,in accordance with the Collective Agreement.
3.2 Short-term temporary positions must be filled.
4. All relevant data, such as training and experience related to the position,evaluation reports, and references shall be considered in the selection of support staff.
5. Applications for vacant positions shall be reviewed using the data available and selected qualified applicants will be interviewed.
6. Prior to offering the most suitable applicant the position reference checks will be made to ensure the security of the students and staff.Prior to the first day of employment, a police check shall be completed.
7. Support staff positions funded at the school level shall be determined by the Principal each school year.
8. Requests for support staff in Division level programs will be made to the Director of Learning Support. The Director of Learning Support will request that the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate proceed with staffing the position.
9. When a vacancy occurs, the Principal or designate shall advise the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate, forward a written job description, hours per day to be worked, and effective start and end dates.
10. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate shall determine how Guideline 1.0 is applied.
11. All internal and external job postings will be prepared by the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate. All internal staff receive notification via SPS email of same. External postings may be placed in the appropriate media for advertising.
12. The Principal, in consultation with the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate, will develop a short list of applicants to be interviewed.
13. Human Resources will set up the interviews.
14. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate, in conjunction with the Principal or designate, will conduct the interviews and recommend a successful candidate to the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate. A list of interview questions and a record of the interview process followed shall be kept on file by Human Resources for one (1) year.
15. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate will:
15.1 Ensure that reference checks are conducted by the Principal or designate where necessary and ensure that the individual provides a police check.
15.2 Authorize all offers of employment.
15.3 Advise the successful candidate of work expectations and the appropriate Board policies.
15.4 Confirm the offer of employment in writing.
15.5 Retain all applications on file for one (1) year.
Hiring Substitutes for School Support Staff:
16. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate is responsible for administering a pool of support staff substitutes that will be utilized by schools.
17. The Principal or designate will make the arrangements for the hiring of substitutes for support staff at the school level.
18. Only support staff on the registered substitute list may be hired.
19. Individuals wishing to register as substitutes should be referred to Human Resources.
Documentation Required at the Time of Hiring:
Section A: All Staff (including Casuals)
20. Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check (Security Clearance)*
This Security Clearance must be no older than six (6) months. This is required of new staff and staff who had terminated their employment with Sturgeon Public Schools more than six (6) months previously.
21.Banking Information
All staff are paid by direct deposit and must submit a void cheque or complete a direct deposit banking information form upon hiring. Faxes/copies are acceptable.
22. Social Insurance Number (SIN)
Employee must provide their SIN to Human Resources within three (3) days of their employment start date.
23. TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return.
24. Benefits
All new staff complete the required documentation and return to the Human Resources Advisor, if they meet qualifications.
25.Birth Certificate
A copy of the employee’s birth certificate within two (2) weeks of commencement of their employment.
*Original documents may be photocopied, the copy stamped “Copy of Original”, dated and signed by the receiver and the original returned to the employee.
Multiple Employment Positions:
26. An employee may hold two distinct employment positions with the Board. However, since administration does not encourage working overtime as a general rule, the combined time of an employee holding two or more positions with the Board shall not exceed 40 hours per week. [Reference: Employment Standards Code, Section 21(a)]
CUPE Collective Agreement
General Employment Conditions
Alberta Employment Standards Code
2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
Administrative Procedures VII. Personnel and Employee Relations (Hiring)