Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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702: Custodial Caretaking and Facilities Staff

Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Human Resources



Support staff employees play a vital role in supporting the system, therefore, the best qualified candidates for custodial, caretaking and maintenance staff shall be selected.


The Associate Superintendent Human Resources is responsible for maintaining a process to select custodial, caretaking and facilities staff.


1. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources, will classify all vacant positions in one of the following ways:

1.1 Open to external and/or internal competition.

1.2 Not open to competition.

2. All vacant positions classified under Guideline 1.1. will be:

2.1 Advertised according to an approved procedure; and

2.2 filled through an approved selection process.

3. Guideline 1.2 will apply whenever:

3.1 System surplus staff need to be accommodated;

3.2 Short-term temporary positions must be filled.

4. The Director of Facilities shall develop a short list of applicants to be interviewed in consideration of the criteria in Guideline 5 and present the list to the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate, who will set up the interviews.

5. All relevant data such as training, experience related to the position, and references will be considered in the selection of custodial, caretaking and maintenance staff for interview.

6. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate will establish a selection process that involves the Director of Facilities.

7. The Director of Facilities will conduct the interviews with the Associate Superintendent Human Resources or designate. A list of interview questions will be kept on file by the Human Resources Department.

8. Prior to offering the most suitable applicant the position, reference checks will be completed by the Director of Facilities and a recommendation brought forth to the Associate Superintendent Human Resources for approval.

9. The Director of Facilities will:

9.1 Offer the position to the successful candidate after approval from the Associate Superintendent Human Resources.

9.2 Phone “regrets” to the unsuccessful candidates.

10. The Associate Superintendent Human Resources, or designate, will:

10.1 Confirm the offer of employment in writing.

10.2 Keep all applications on file in accordance with Sturgeon’s record management directives.

Documentation Required at the Time of Hiring:

11. Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Check (Security Clearance)*

This Security Clearance must be no older than six (6) months. This is required of new staff and staff who had terminated their employment with Sturgeon Public Schools more than six (6) months previously.

12. Banking Information

All staff are paid by direct deposit and must submit a void cheque or complete a direct deposit banking information form upon hiring. Faxes/copies are acceptable.

13. Social Insurance Number (SIN)

Employee must provide their SIN to Human Resources within three (3) days of their employment start date.

14. TD1 Personal Tax Credits Return

15. Benefits

All new staff, who meet the qualifications, will complete the benefit forms and return to the Human Resources Advisor.

16.Birth Certificate

A copy of the employee’s birth certificate within two (2) weeks of commencement of their employment.

*Original documents may be photocopied, the copy stamped “Copy of Original”, dated and signed by the receiver and the original returned to the employee.



General Employment Conditions

Alberta Employment Standards


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval