Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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865: Information and Communication Technology

Responsible Administrator: Deputy Superintendent Education Services



To ensure technology is used in the service of learning and supports efficient system administration and operations.


The Deputy Superintendent Education Services shall maintain and facilitate this Administrative Procedure.


1. The Superintendent or designate shall ensure technology is aligned in support of the Three Year Education Plan.

2. The Deputy Superintendent Education Services shall be responsible for the oversight and monitoring of the Division Technology Funding and Evergreening Plan.

2.1 Technology purchases, deployment, installation and associated costs included in the Division’s Technology Budget and Evergreening plan are the responsibility of the Division’s Technology Services Department.

2.2 The Division’s Evergreening Plan includes computing technology for students, teachers, administrators, administrative support and system software.

2.3 Schools wishing to add, modify or enhance technology beyond the existing Technology Budget and Evergreening Plan will contact the Director Technology and Logistics to ensure compatibility.  The associated costs are distributed to the school based budget.

2.4 The Principal, in collaboration with the Technology Services Department, shall review annually and implement the school plan for school-based technologies within available budget allocations.

3. The Principal, in consultation with the Technology Services Department, shall be responsible for the development, implementation, and evaluation of the school technology plan in alignment with the Division’s Three Year Education Plan. The annual school plan shall ensure:

3.1 Equitable and appropriate access to devices, network resources, and other technologies for all students.

3.2 Appropriate access to devices, network resources and other technologies for staff in the performance of responsibilities.

4. Software

4.1 Principals must ensure the Director of Technology and Logistics is consulted before any device accesses the network to seek approval.

4.1.1 Installation of new technology must be managed by the Technology Services Department.

5. Guidelines for Purchases

5.1 Technology purchases are based on Division standards.

5.2 The Technology Services Department responds to requests for service through the HelpDesk.

5.3 There are no costs associated with allocating existing resources (i.e. software licenses and devices)

6. Guidelines for Remote Access into Division Equipment

6.1 The Technology Services Department can investigate what could be defined as meta data.  This would include:

6.1.1 Who is or has logged into a computer.

6.1.2 What is running on that computer; Processes, Dlls, Tasks, Executables, etc.

6.1.3 Details of the computer's state.  I/O, RAM/HD/CPU utilization etc.

6.2 The Technology Services Department should not access the following without express permission of the user (staff), or the Principal in the case of a student device:

6.2.1 Specific files or their content.

6.2.2 Screen visual or what is being displayed on the screen.

6.2.3 Audio content or what is currently playing on the device.

6.2.4 Microphone or Camera.  These devices should not be turned on, nor their feeds accessed.

6.2.5 Geolocation data, should the device provide this.  The concern is that it may reveal a person's private          address and if they have not shared that with the Division, this would seem inappropriate. 

6.3 In the case of an emergency, the Director Technology Services and Logistics can override the above if they believe the network, systems, or data are in danger of being compromised or damaged in any way.  They must provide clear and documented reasons for why this action was taken.

6.4 All investigations should be logged into a location and through a process that allows it to be retrieved if requested.

6.5 This guidance does not translate to BYOD devices.  The most that the Technology Services Department can do is capture a specific MAC and/or IP and the traffic related to that device.  The Principal would need to do a specific investigation in the school, with the student and the parent.



2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2024 Jun 19 Amended