Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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875: Personal Electronic Devices

Responsible Administrator: Deputy Superintendent Education Services



The responsible use of personally owned digital devices for instructional purposes can support the learning process and the administration of business operations.


The Deputy Superintendent Education Services will be responsible for administering this Administrative Procedure.


1. The Deputy Superintendent Education Services or designate shall establish Administrative Procedures and guidelines to ensure the responsible use of personally owned digital devices for instructional purposes within the school environment.

2. All FOIP guidelines and agreements must be followed when capturing images or video of students or staff.  Further, when staff are capturing images or video they must consider the following:

2.1 Division owned technology should be used when capturing images of students or staff for use in publications, websites, or on Social Media.

2.2 When it is not possible to use Division technology, staff may use their own personal device, provided all FOIP guidelines and agreements are followed any files are deleted from the device within 14 days.  Staff must also ensure no copies remain on the device, including any backup cloud services.

3. The Division’s policy and guidelines may make provision for consequences for failure to practice responsible use of personally owned digital devices. This may include, but is not limited to, temporary confiscation, loss of network privileges, recommendation for withdrawal from a course, suspension, financial liability for damages, or legal action.



Administrative Procedure 300:  Security of Personal and Division Information
Administrative Procedure 721:  Teachers and Professional Development
Administrative Procedure 727:  Support Staff and Professional Development
Administrative Procedure 865:  Information and Communication Technology
Administrative Procedure 870:  Responsible Use of Technology Resources


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2024 Jun 19 Amended