Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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901: Student Conduct

Responsible Administrator: Deputy Superintendent Education Services



Sturgeon Public Schools recognizes its responsibility to maintain a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning and working environment in schools.


The Deputy Superintendent, Education Services shall be responsible for administering this Administrative Procedure.


1. Principals shall develop a written School Code of Student Conduct consistent with Board Policy 900 Student Conduct and Discipline and in consultation with students, parents/guardians, the School Council and staff.  The School Code of Student Conduct shall be reviewed annually with any revisions communicated to the Deputy Superintendent Education Services.

2. Principals shall make copies of the School Code of Student Conduct available to students, parents/guardians and staff, on the school’s website and in print if requested.

3. Principals shall review the School Code of Student Conduct with the School Council annually.

4. Schools shall review the School Code of Student Conduct with all students annually.

5. A School Code of Student Conduct shall include:

5.1 expectations for student behaviour;

5.2 a range of specific corrective measures that will be taken when students are found responsible for unacceptable behaviour;

5.3 provisions regarding safety and security offences;

5.4 expectations for the safe and effective use of a Personal Communication Device (PCD) while in class or at school;

5.5 restrictions on social media use and access to social media while at school, on school networks, and on school devices; and

5.6 any other matter which the Principal deems necessary.

6. Students, as partners in education, have the responsibility to:

6.1 attend school regularly and punctually,

6.2 be ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue the student’s education; including completion of assignments and homework,

6.3 ensure that the student’s conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment that respects diversity and fosters a sense of belonging,

6.4 respect the rights of others in the school,

6.5 refrain from, report and not tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour directed toward others in the school, whether it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means,

6.6 comply with the rules of the school and the policies of the board,

6.7 cooperate with everyone authorized by the board to provide education programs and other services,

6.8 to be accountable to the student's teachers and other school staff for the student's conduct, and

6.9 positively contribute to the student's school and community.

7. Furthermore students are expected to:

7.1 Resolve conflict or seek assistance to resolve conflict in a respectful, peaceful, safe, and non-threatening manner that is conducive to learning and growth.  Strategies for addressing conflict between students may include counselling, mediation or forms of restorative practice.

7.2 Use school and personal technology appropriately and ethically.

7.3 Conduct themselves with academic integrity and refrain from and report all incidents of academic misconduct including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, or submitting work supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI) without acknowledging its use.

7.4 Children and students may not use Personal Communication Devices (PCDs) during instructional time, or during any school sponsored activity, such as assembly or talk by a guest.

7.4.1 PCDs are not be be taken into test or examination settings, unless students have been given explicit permission to do so.

7.4.2 PCDs are not be used in settings such as change rooms, washrooms, private counseling rooms, that have the potential to violate a person's reasonable expectation of privacy.

7.4.3 If children and students have PCDs with them during instructional time, they are required to keep these devices on silent or powered off, and stored out of view.

7.4.5 Students who bring PCDs to the school are expected to comply with all parts of Administrative Procedure 901:  Student Conduct, and the School's Code of Student Conduct may be subject to disciplinary measures detailed in the School's Code of Student Conduct and in Administrative Procedure 901:  Student Conduct.

7.4.6 PCDs are valuable electronic devices.  The security and storage of these items is the sole responsibility of the owner or user.  The Division assumes no responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair or replacement of PCDs. PCDs that are taken temporarily from students by teachers or administrators must be securely stored.

7.5 Children and Students may not access social media during instructional time on PCDs, nor at any time on school networks or on school devices.

8. Students will be held responsible and accountable to Sturgeon Public Schools and its agents for unacceptable behaviour whether it occurs within the school building, during the school day or by electronic means.

9. Beyond school hours, students will be held responsible for unacceptable behaviour has connection back to the school and has a demonstrated detrimental impact on the welfare of other students or staff.

10. Examples of unacceptable behaviours include but are not limited to:

10.1 conduct which verbally, physically, or emotionally threatens the safety of students or staff;

10.2 conduct which demonstrates disrespect for ethnic, racial, religious, and sexual diversity;

10.3 possession of a weapon, or anything used, or intended for use in causing injury to any person, or for the purposed of threatening or intimidating any person;

10.4 assault;

10.5 possession, distribution, and/or use of illicit, prohibited or restricted substances in school or on school property;

10.6 possession, use, display, or distribution of offensive messages, videos, or images.

10.7 discrimination or harassment;

10.8 accessing PCDs during instructional time, school sponsored activities, exams, or in areas where privacy is expected unless explicitly allowed to do so by staff;

10.9 accessing social media during instructional time or on school networks;

10.10 participating in or contributing to cyberbullying;

10.11 participating in or contributing to froshing or hazing activities;

10.12 extortion;

10.13 disruptive behaviour, willful disobedience or defiance of authority;

10.14 interference with the orderly conduct of classes and school activities;

10.15 willful damage to school or other's property;

10.16 tampering with items such as fire alarms or safety equipment;

10.17 criminal activity;

10.18 bystander encouragement or involvement.

11. When determining responses, interventions, or consequences for a student who engages in unacceptable behaviour, a teacher or Principal will consider:

11.1 whether the student has failed to comply with the Education Act, Board Policy, or with the School Code of Student Conduct;

11.2 the effect of the student's behaviour upon other students, the staff, the school, and the community;

11.3 the nature of the action or incident that calls for disciplinary measures;

11.4 informing and/or consulting with the student's parents/guardians when it is warranted;

11.5 the student's previous conduct;

11.6 the student's unique circumstances (age, maturity, extenuating circumstances);

11.7 the impact of the proposed action on the student's future behaviour;

11.8 any other information the teacher or Principal considers appropriate or relevant; and

11.9 whether the student's conduct is injurious to the physical or mental well being of others in the school.

12. When a student engages in unacceptable behaviour, responses, interventions, and consequences may include, but are not limited to:

12.1 Temporary assignment of a student to an alternate, supervised area within the school.

12.2 Temporary assignment of a student to an alternate learning location.

12.3 Short term removal of privileges.

12.4 Short term or longer term removal of access to PCD.  Repeat offences could lead to the student not being allowed to bring a PCD to the school for determined length of time.

12.5 Interventions such as positive behaviour supports, contracts, and counselling.

12.6 Restorative practices, where appropriate and agreed upon by impacted staff and students.

12.7 Replacement or restitution for loss or or damage to property.

12.8 Suspension or expulsion from bus transportation.

12.9 In-school or out-of-school suspension.

12.10 Referral to the Attendance Board.

12.11 Recommendation for expulsion.

13. Depending on the resources that are available, the Principal shall arrange for support, if needed, for students who may be impacted by inappropriate behaviour, as well as for students who engage in inappropriate behaviour.

14. Where the behaviour of a student involves a violent threat, the Principal shall refer to the Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) protocol.  This protocol allows the Principal, in consultation with the Director Learning Services, to involve regional partners such as RCMP, Alberta Health Services, and Children Services to collaborate on the risk assessment and implementation of recommendations for support.

15. Each teacher or Principal will ensure that appropriate documentation procedures are employed to record disciplinary actions.

16. The Principal must maintain order and discipline in the school, on school grounds, and during activities sponsored or approved by the Board and, therefore, has the responsibility for and the authority to establish and maintain appropriate procedures conducive to an acceptable standard of student discipline (Education Act, Section 197).


Ministerial Order (#014/2024)
Board Policy 110:  Welcoming Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Environments
Board Policy 230:  Board Committees

Board Policy 900:  Student Conduct and Discipline
Administrative Procedure 901:  Student Conduct, Exhibit 1 - Social Media - Student Access
Education Act: Sections 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 196, 197
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Alberta Human Rights Act
Tobacco, Smoking and Vaping Reduction Act
Violent Threat Risk Assessment (VTRA) Protocol
Vision, Mission and Values Statement


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2021 Feb 11 Amended
2023 May 15 Amended
2024 Jun 19 Amended
2024 Aug 28 Amended