Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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915: Administering Medications & Medical Treatment to Students

Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Education Services



Sturgeon Public Schools recognizes that the administration of medication and/or medical treatment to students is the responsibility of parents, guardians and medical practitioners.

The safe management of administering medications and medical treatment to students should:

  • promote self-management;
  • be developmentally appropriate according to the physician (See Appendix 13: Developmental Consideration for Medication and Medical Treatment Management);
  • provide the framework to support school staff in their medication and medical treatment management role;
  • outline the roles of parents/guardians, students and staff.


The Associate Superintendent Education Services shall be responsible for administering this Administrative Procedure.


1. The Principal or designate is responsible to ensure that:

1.1 A minimum of one epinephrine auto injector is maintained in the school.

1.2 Information is maintained on each student who has an anaphylactic allergy.

1.3 Strategies are in place to reduce the risk of exposure to anaphylactic causative agents in classrooms and school common areas.

1.4 A communication plan to disseminate information on life threatening allergies to parents/guardians, students and staff.

1.5 Mandatory regular training on dealing with life threatening allergies for all staff.

1.6 All staff (including bus drivers) are informed regarding the need for emergency medication for students.

1.7 Training is provided to all staff (including bus drivers) in the administration of emergency medication.

1.7.1 Ensure that an alternate plan is in place in the absence of the employee who regularly administers medication.

1.7.2 Emergency medication is available at school, on field trips and during transportation for students requiring it.

Non-prescribed Medication

2. Non-prescribed medication shall not be distributed to any student enrolled in a Division school.

Prescription Medication or Medical Treatment

3. If a student must receive medication or medical treatment prescribed by a medical practitioner during the school day or during extra-curricular activities, and the student is incapable of self-administration, the following will apply:

3.1 The parent must request in writing to the Principal that the school store medication and medical treatment equipment to enable:

3.1.1 student self-administration where appropriate (e.g. asthma inhalers);

3.1.2 administration of medication and medical treatment. Written instructions must be signed by the parent/guardian and the physician.

3.2 Except in the case of accidents and emergencies, no employee shall administer any medication or medical treatment unless the conditions in Guideline 1.7 are met.

3.3 Only the Principal or designate will administer the medication and/or medical treatment.

Medication Administration

4. Procedures (In accordance with Guide to Developing a Student Focused Medication and Medical Treatment Management Plan for Students with Specialized Health Care Needs – Appendices 6 – 15):

4.1 Assign an informed school staff member(s) to be in charge of medication and/or medical treatment administration.

4.2 Administer/monitor the medication and/or medical treatment as outlined by the physician.

4.3 Complete the student’s Individual Medication Management Record and record the medication as “Taken” or “Not Taken” on (Appendix 15)

5. Off-site administration of medication and/or medical treatment must conform to this Administrative Procedure. (Appendix 14)

6. Storage of Medication (consistent with Guide to Developing a Student Focused Medication and Medical Treatment Management Plan for Students with Specialized Health Care Needs):

6.1 All physician prescribed medications to be administered will be kept in their original container and placed in a locked container until needed.

6.2 Medication, when appropriate, must be bubble packed/single unit doses.

6.3 All physician prescribed medications required for emergency situations should be kept with the student and/or stored in an accessible office area if the nature of the reaction would allow for the time to safely retrieve it for emergency use.

6.4 Where emergency medication might be required on the bus to and from school, medication is to be kept with the student and/or stored on the bus.

Admission of Students Requiring Specialized Health Care to School and Class

7. In those circumstances where a student is dependent upon sophisticated life-support medication, or susceptible to severe reaction or injury, appropriate arrangements with parents/guardian will be made to ensure the welfare of the child.

7.1 A plan, based on the Guide to Developing a Student Focused Medication and Medical Treatment Management Plan for Students with Specialized Health Care Needs, should be in place to ensure that the student being administered medication, and/or medical treatment is complete and accurate. A copy of this plan should be provided to the parent/guardian and be updated at least on an annual basis.

7.2 Reasonable provisions should be made to enable the child to receive special medical treatment, as required, at school.

7.3 In cases where reasonable provisions cannot be made, Sturgeon Public Schools will be responsible for locating an educational setting that provides the medical requirements for the student.

Responsibilities and Rights of Division Staff

8. A staff member engaged in the administration of medication or medical treatment has the responsibility to provide the same care and concern for the student as could reasonably be expected of a parent/guardian under those circumstances.

9. A staff member involved in the administration of medical and/or medical treatment has the following rights:

9.1 To receive a copy of the written instructions provided by the parent/guardian and physician;

9.2 To clarify his/her role in providing medication or treatment with the Principal or designate, who may seek further clarification from the parent/guardian or physician or instruct the employee to do the same;

9.3 To affirm that the insurance coverage carried by the Division adequately reflects the medical situation in which he/she is involved;

9.4 To require that a Medical Treatment of Students at School Release Form (Appendix 2) be signed by the parent which includes a section waiving the rights of the parent/guardian to pursue Sturgeon Public Schools or its personnel in an action to recover damages for improper administering of medication or medical treatment;

9.5 To expect to access the appropriate training to perform the expected medical responsibilities;

9.6 To receive written direction from the Principal or designate in those situations which involve long-term medical care;

9.7 To protest, in writing, should he/she not feel competent to fulfill the medical responsibilities.

Responsibilities of parents/guardians:

10. Requests for administration of medication at school will be made in writing to the Principal using forms:

10.1 Release Form Medical Treatment of Students at School (Appendix 2)

10.2 Medication and Medical Treatment Management Parental & Physician Consent (Appendix 3)

10.2.1 A physician’s signature must be obtained in addition to the parent/guardian’s signature. Any cost for this service is to be borne by the parent/guardian.

10.3 Medication and Medical Treatment Management Plan (Appendix 4)

10.4 Medical Alert and Permission to Post Student Medical Information (Appendix 5)

11. Whenever possible, a drug information printout from the pharmacist will be attached to each medication request form.

12. If any changes occur, the parent/guardian must notify the Principal immediately. An updated form is to be completed.

13. All medications must be brought to school by the parent/guardian, in the original container.

14. Single unit doses/bubble-packed medication should be supplied by parent/guardian whenever possible.

Responsibility of the student (as appropriate for age and ability)

15. Participate in the medication process.

16. Tell the school staff if they are not feeling well prior to or after receiving medication.

17. Do not share medication with anyone.

18. Keep medications needed for emergency situations (inhalers, epi pens, etc.) on his/her person.

19. Know whom to report to for medication management.



Protection of Students with Life-Threatening Allergies Act, 2019
Medication and Medical Treatment – Appendix 1 – 5
Reference Guide to Developing a Student Focused Medical Treatment Management
Plan for Students with Specialized Health Care Needs – Appendix 6 - 15


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2020 Jul 24 Amended