Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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515: Homebound Students

Responsible Administrator: Deputy Superintendent Education Services


Sturgeon Public School’s students who are unable to attend regular school classes for medical reasons should be provided with alternate learning opportunities.


The Deputy Superintendent Education Services or designate shall be responsible for administering this Administrative Procedure.


1. In order to be eligible for Homebound Student Services, a student must:

1.1 Have written confirmation from a medical doctor indicating that the student is unable to attend school.

1.2 Be capable of benefiting from Homebound Student Services.

1.3 Be recommended for Homebound Student Services by the Principal of the school in which the student is enrolled.

2. The student will remain enrolled in the referring school and is considered excusably absent while receiving Homebound Student Services. A student receiving such services shall not lose Senior High School credits solely because of non-attendance.

3. Access to the referring school’s supplies and resources shall continue during the period the student is receiving Homebound Student Services.

4. The Principal of the referring school remains responsible for the student’s program.

5. Where appropriate, a student who has an expected absence of more than five (5) months shall be enrolled in courses provided by Sturgeon Learning Centre or another service provided by the Division.

6. The Principal of the referring school shall inform the Director Learning Services the need for Homebound Student Services for a qualifying student. The following information shall be provided:

6.1 A copy of the medical report advising of the need for Homebound Student Services.

6.2 Age, grade, program, home location, etc., of the student.

6.3 The estimated length of time that Homebound Student Services will be necessary.

7. The Principal shall consult with the Director Learning Services regarding the number of hours and type of service to be provided.

8. Upon approval of the request by the Superintendent or designate, the necessary personnel shall be engaged.

9. The Principal of the referring school shall retain responsibility for evaluation of the student and reporting progress to parent(s)/guardian(s).

9.1 The teacher or teacher assistant providing the Homebound Student Services shall be accountable to, and report to the Principal of the referring school.


Policy 805:  Home Education


2020 Jul 24 Initial Approval
2024 Jun 19 Reviewed