Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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600: Capital Plan Development

Responsible Administrator: Superintendent



All sites in Sturgeon Public Schools shall be maintained at high level as possible within the available resources. Careful planning is a critical part in enabling this to happen and will:

  • provide a safe welcoming learning environment;
  • be cost effective;
  • enhance learning;
  • enable common consistent maintenance procedures;
  • allow for efficiencies in selection and distribution of supplies; and
  • allow for planning for long term maintenance of facilities.


The Director of Facilities and the Secretary Treasurer will facilitate a consultative process which leads to a Draft Capital Plan being brought forward to the Board for direction.


1. Three-year Plans and IMR Plans will be developed by the Director of Facilities in consultation with the Secretary Treasurer and principals.

2. Schedules for IMR and annual maintenance items shall be communicated to the schools.

3. The Director of Facilities will oversee a collaborative process whereby standards for equipment and furniture will be developed. Once developed, these standards will be adhered to.



Board Policy 225: Role of the Board


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2021 Jan 13 Amended