221: Focused and Effective Communication
Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent, Human Resources
To maintain safe, caring, healthy and respectful learning and working environments, open communication between all parties is essential. The success of all students is the guiding principle for all dispute resolution at the school and division level.
When differences of opinion occur, the most effective method to achieve resolution is direct communication between the parties involved. It is in the best interest of all parties to resolve disputes respectfully and in a timely manner. This procedure establishes the Division’s process for open communication and dispute resolution.
1. Individuals are expected to address their concerns in person or in writing to the person(s) involved.
2. In Central Office,
2.1 managers and supervisors are responsible for encouraging staff to mutually resolve issues with stakeholders and colleagues.
3. At a school site:
3.1 administrators are responsible for encouraging staff to mutually resolve issues with stakeholders and colleagues.
3.2 classroom teachers and school administrators are best situated to resolve disputes and concerns.
4. Direct communication and resolution are preferable, however, the situation may be dealt with through administrative review if:
4.1 the concern or complaint process does not result in a satisfactory conclusion or a plan of action, or
4.2 one of the parties refuses to take part in the resolution, or
4.3 the supervisor/administrator does not feel the resolution process is appropriate for the situation.
5. Begin by identifying the parties most directly involved or impacted by the dispute.
5.1 Dispute resolutions involving classroom matters:
5.1.1 shall be discussed directly with the teacher or staff member.
5.1.2 which remain unresolved through the resolution process may be elevated to school administration.
5.2 Dispute resolution involving school matters:
5.2.1 shall be discussed with the school administrator.
5.2.2 which remain unresolved through the resolution process may be elevated to the Office of the Superintendent.
5.3 Dispute resolution involving Central Office matters:
5.3.1 shall start with the parties directly involved.
5.3.2 which remain unresolved through the resolution process may be elevated to the direct supervisor.
5.3.3 which the direct supervisor is unable to achieve resolution then the issue may be elevated to the Senior Administrator assigned to the department.
6. Resolution processes will not be elevated to a higher level unless both parties have met in person, attempted resolution of the issue and have detailed documentation of such meetings. Should the issue remain unresolved after completion of these steps the issue may be elevated to a higher level.
7. A Trustee, upon receiving an inquiry, will inform the Superintendent who shall address the complaint using the process outlined.
8. The Office of the Superintendent may involve individuals to assist with dispute resolution, at the school level.
9. Board Policy 245: Appeals Regarding Student Matters outlines the Board’s Process for Appeals.
APPENDIX A - Flow Chart for Focused and Effective Communication - External Stakeholders
APPENDIX B - Flow Chart for Focused and Effective Communication - Internal SPS Employees
2022 Mar 23 Initial Approval
Administrative Procedures II. School Board Governance and Operations