Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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241: Annual Education Results Report

Responsible Administrator: Deputy Superintendent, Education Services


Sturgeon Public School Division is required by Alberta Education to prepare an Annual Education Results Report (AERR).  As part of a continuous improvement cycle school divisions are expected to assess and interpret the results arising from implementing the Three-Year Education Plan and report on the progress toward achieving identified outcomes. School divisions must also report on their performance and the actions taken to meet their responsibilities in key assurance domains. The Division acknowledges its duty to maintain communication and accountability by making an Annual Education Results Report available and accessible to its stakeholders.


The Deputy Superintendent, Education Services is responsible to administer in a reasonable manner this Administrative Procedure.


1.  The Superintendent will develop an Annual Education Results Report (AERR) in accordance with Alberta Education Requirements.

a.  The Superintendent shall present the draft AERR for Board approval by November 30th of the school year.

b.  Ensure that the Board approved AERR is submitted to Alberta Education in a form and time that meets requirements.

2.  The AERR will contain information regarding progress toward meeting the goals and objectives established by the Division in the Three-Year Education Plan.

3.  The AERR will contain the results on mandatory and optional measures gathered throughout the year as on-going reviews, evaluations, surveys, planning sessions and professional development activities.

4.  The format for reporting measures shall be determined by the Superintendent.

5.  The Annual Education Results Report shall be posted on the Division's website.

6.  Results shall not be used to rank schools, staff, or programs.


Education Act:  Section 33
Government Accountability Act:  Section 16
Alberta Education Business Plan
Guide to Education:  Requirements for School Authority Planning and Results Reporting


2023 Jan 18 Initial Approval