Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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1.0 Committee Powers

1.1 The Board believes in, and supports, the inclusion of a student voice in its deliberations, therefore, the Board shall annually establish a Student Advisory Committee.

1.2 The Student Advisory Committee shall:

1.2.1 Provide an opportunity for student representatives to engage in a dialogue with the Board and Superintendent about matters of mutual interest; and

1.2.2 Provide students with knowledge and understanding about Public Education and Sturgeon Public Schools.

2.0 Committee Terms of Reference

2.1 Membership shall consist of:

2.1.1 Trustees. Chair of the Board or designate chairs the meeting.

2.1.2 The Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent (and/or designates); and

2.1.3 Student representatives from grades 7-12 as deemed prudent.

2.2 The Superintendent (or designate) shall request Principals to select student representatives:

2.2.1 Who demonstrate leadership abilities;

2.2.2 Who best represent the diverse views of their respective student body; and

2.2.3 Who are willing to share student views with the Board.

2.3 Administrative Support: Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent.

2.4 Record of Proceedings: Kept by the administrator assigned and approved by the Committee at its next meeting. Proceedings circulated to all committee members, all Trustees, and the Superintendent. 

2.5 Meetings: The format of the Student Advisory Committee and the meeting schedule for the next year shall be determined annually by the Committee of the Whole. These recommendations will be brought forward for review and approval at the Public Board meeting. 

3.0 Committee Authority

3.1 This Committee is established pursuant to Section 52 (1) (b) of the Education Act.



Education Act: Sections 52 (1) (b)
Board Procedures Regulation 82/2019