Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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235: APPENDIX E - Technology Equipment for Trustees


1. Technology devices will be replaced consistent with the Division’s technology replacement plan.

2. All equipment will be returned at the end of the trustee’s term of office.

2.1     Within 7 days of an election or resignation, outgoing trustees must return all devices to the Division.

3. Trustees are responsible for the reasonable protection and safety of the equipment and are expected to keep devices secure to ensure confidentiality of documents and/or correspondence.

4. The assigned technology device is for the exclusive use of the trustee and shall not to be used or accessed by anyone other than the trustee.

5. Basic training in the use of email, backing up files and use of division software will be provided by Division staff as needed.

6. General maintenance and upgrades of trustee devices shall be on an as needed basis. If Division equipment needs repair, it will be returned to the Division. If required, the trustee will be provided with a replacement device.

7. Trustees will receive a stipend of $600.00 per annum for Internet connection at a fixed rate of $50/month.