Register for Welding 1000

Sep 13, 2023

Exciting opportunities await your high school students in grades 10, 11, and 12!

Did you know that they have the chance to earn both high school credits and valuable post-secondary education credits without leaving the familiar halls of high school?

We're thrilled to be the very first school division in the province to offer a Dual Credit program in partnership with the prestigious Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). This semester, students have the opportunity to register for Advanced Welding 1000!

Introducing Advanced Welding 1000:

  • Course Credits: 3 High School Credits
  • Semester: 1st Semester
  • Course Components:
    • Welding 1000DC (cohort)
    • Workplace Safety (3 credits)
  • High School Credit: 3-30 level credits

Course Details:

  • This course is offered online with synchronous instruction, led by an experienced instructor.
  • Class sessions are scheduled twice a week outside of regular school hours, from 4pm to 6pm (please note that times may be subject to change).
  • The course spans 10 weeks and includes a hands-on Saturday Lab session at the NAIT campus, where expert instructors will guide students through a series of engaging lessons. Attendance at the lab is mandatory.
  • Transportation will be provided from SCHS for the Saturday Lab session.
  • The instructor will meet with students in person for the initial lesson and then transition to online instruction.

Important Dates:

  • Students must complete their registration by September 15, 2023.
  • The course officially commences on October 2, 2023.
  • Mark your calendars for the exciting NAIT shop day on December 16, 2023.


To register for Welding 1000, please contact: 

Sturgeon Composite High School

Tim Spenrath by email at, or Sturgeon Composite High School by phone at 780-973-3301. 

Redwater School

Amanda Dorosh by email at or, Redwater School by phone at 780-942-3625.

Morinville & Sturgeon Learning Centres

Sherri Devolder by email at or, the Morinville Learning Centre by phone at 780-939-4342 EXT 1255 or, the Sturgeon Learning Centre by phone at 780-939-4342 EXT 1626. 

If you have any questions or need further information, please visit our Off Campus Education and Work Experience website.