Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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206: School Attendance Areas and Requests to Attend a School Outside of the Designated Attendance Area


The Sturgeon Public School Division is committed to providing appropriate educational programs to resident students and recognizes the right of parents to request their children attend schools outside of their designated attendance area. This procedure outlines the process for such requests, ensuring transparency and alignment with the Education Act and Board Policy.

Resident students and students enrolled under an Education Services Agreement are designated to attend schools in attendance areas as established by the Board.

All students are encouraged to attend the designated school determined by the student’s home location in their attendance area. However, the Division recognizes parental rights to request that their children attend a school other than the designated school within their established attendance area.   

As per Section 10 of the Education Act, a board shall enrol a resident student of the board in the school operated by the board that is requested by the parent of the student if, in the opinion of the board asked to enrol the student, there are sufficient resources and facilities available to accommodate the student

A resident student of a board who resides in the attendance area for the school must be given priority over a student who does not reside in the attendance area (s. 10.3 Education Act).


Resident Student
Student residing within The Sturgeon Public School Division jurisdiction. 

Non-Resident Student
Student residing outside The Sturgeon Public School Division jurisdiction (outside the Division’s boundary). 

Designated School
Shall refer to the Board assigned school for a specific, geographic catchment area, and as per s. 10(1) of the Education Act.

School of Choice
Shall refer to any school that is outside the assigned geographic catchment area, as per s.10(1) of Education Act and Policy 200.

Selection Procedure
A student by student enrolment process used when requests exceed available space and resources.


Resident Student

Initial Request Process

Parents, who are residents of Sturgeon Public Schools, requesting to register their child(ren) in a Requested School must communicate with the Principal of their Designated School and the Principal of the Requested School. Parents are encouraged to begin this process before April 30th of the upcoming school year.

Communication Between Schools

The Requested School Principal shall contact the Designated School Principal prior to accepting the registration of a resident student from outside their attendance area and before finalizing AP 206 Exhibit 1 – School of Choice Application

Factors for Approval

Resident Student Requested School applications shall be reviewed by the Principal of the Requested School and, when possible, the Principal of the Designated School. The following factors shall be considered:

- Availability of space, resources and programs
- Availability of teaching and support staff
- Projected school enrolment
- The suitability of programs offered to meet student needs

Completion of AP 206 Exhibit A – Requested School Application

The Requested School will not accept the registration of a student from outside of their

attendance area until AP 206 Exhibit 1 – School of Choice Application has been completed and approved.

Annual Renewal

AP 206 Exhibit 1 – School of Choice Application must be completed each year by April 30 for the upcoming school year, unless otherwise specified for continuing enrolment at the school. Exceptions include families who are new to the Division after this date, in which case they may apply during the school year.

Transportation Responsibility

When a resident student attends a school outside of their designated attendance area, transportation becomes the responsibility of the parent(s)/guardian(s)/independent student. The Division does not guarantee transportation for students attending a non-designated school, however, transportation services may be provided if there is space available on an existing route and if there is no significant diversion from regular routing.

In the event that a resident student becomes a non-resident student, the Division shall not assume responsibility to provide transportation for the student.

Non-Resident Student  

AP 206 Exhibit 2 - Non-Resident Agreement

By March 31, Principals shall inform parents of non-resident students (those living outside Sturgeon Public School Division jurisdiction) in writing about the availability of space, resources and programming for the upcoming school year. 

Priority for Enrolment

Enrolment priority will be determined in the following order:

- Students who reside in the attendance area
- Resident students who reside in another attendance area
- Non-resident students
- In the event that demand exceeds capacity, a selection process will be used in accepting students from outside the attendance area. This will be based on sufficient resources and facilities available to accommodate the student as determined by the Principal.

Transportation Responsibility

Non-Resident transportation services may be provided if there is space available on an existing route, if there is no significant diversion from regular routing and the parent/guardian has completed the Transfer of Student Transportation Funding Parent Declaration Form prior to October 31. 

In the event that a resident student becomes a non-resident student, the Division shall not assume responsibility to provide transportation for the student.

Appeals Process for Resident Students Only - School of Choice

School of Choice appeals for resident students shall follow Board Policy 245: Appeals Regarding Student Matters.

Mid-Year Transfers

A parent of a student enrolled in a school operated by a board shall not request that the student be enrolled in another school during the school year unless the board operating the other school consents, as stated in Section 10(7) of the Education Act.

Directed Attendance

The Deputy Superintendent, Education Services, or designate, may direct a student to attend a school outside of their designated attendance area if necessary due to educational or programming needs, as outlined in Board Policy 200, Section 2.5.

Policy 200: Attendance Areas
Policy 245: Appeals Regarding Student Matters
Policy 500: Student Transportation Services
AP 206 Exhibit 1 – School of Choice Application
AP 206 Exhibit 2 - Non-Resident Agreement
AP 855: Alternate Programming and Learning Opportunities
Transfer of Student Transportation Funding Parent Declaration Form
Alberta Education Funding Manual for School Authorities
Education Act: Sections 3(1), 4(1)(8), 7(1), 10, 11(1), 12, 13(1)

2024 Dec 09 Procedure Established