Building Futures

If you are interested and would like your child considered for the program, please complete the google form here:

Building Futures 2025/26 Application

The deadline to apply is April 1st, 2025

Building Futures Coordinator: 

Dan Stephen 



Sturgeon Public Schools, in partnership with San Rufo Homes, is excited to launch our new Building Futures program!

Building Futures is an opportunity for incoming Grade 10 students to spend the school year building a house from the ground up. Students will earn high school credits while learning hands-on construction focused trades.

Students will be taught first-hand by carpenters, plumbers, electricians, landscapers, project managers, interior designers, real estate agents, site supervisors, project managers and countless other professionals.

How does this work?

San Rufo Homes is providing the building site and the construction knowledge while supervising the actual construction work. Sturgeon Public Schools is coordinating the enrolment, providing the instructional expertise and overseeing the initiative.

Students register as they normally would with either Sturgeon Composite High School or Redwater School but attend “school” on site daily, where they take part in almost every aspect of construction – from taking soil samples and digging the foundation to installing electrical, plumbing, framing and more. Students engage in every aspect of home building with the exception of shingling at heights. A portion of the roof may be shingled when the roof is being constructed on the ground.

Who can apply?

This initiative is offered to students who will be in Grade 10 at Sturgeon Composite High School or Redwater School.

Between 24 to 30 students are selected from the applicants. Students must have an interest in the home-building process and must be prepared to work on site in all kinds of weather. Please note that spots are limited and application does not guarantee acceptance.

To provide students with this opportunity, we must ensure they are completing the academic portion of the program and acting as good role models within the community.

This means:

  • Students will need to be able to work independently to the best of their ability to reach their academic potential and maintain their grades.
  • The learning environment must be a place with minimal distractions where students can focus on their work.
  • Students are responsible to complete any assignments they miss while learning on the job site portion of the program.

Program Details

Students in the Building Futures Program will complete their required core courses under the guidance of certified teachers, including:

  • English
  • Social Studies
  • Math
  • Science
  • Physical Education
  • CALM (Career and Life Management)

In addition to their academic coursework, students will work alongside journeymen and experienced tradespeople to develop skills in various aspects of home construction, such as:

  • Excavating and cribbing a basement
  • Framing
  • Plumbing
  • HVAC
  • Electrical work
  • Dry-walling
  • Flooring and finishing
  • Installing appliances

By the end of the year, participants will have earned an average of 60 credits, including Career and Technology Studies (CTS) credits, giving them a strong foundation for future careers in the trades.

Where is the building site and how will students get there?

The site is in St. Albert. Students must arrange transportation on their own to the site for 8:00am.  Students will then be transported back to Sturgeon Composite HIgh School in time to catch buses back to their communities or participate in extracurricular activities.  Site hours will be approximately 8:00am to 2:20pm.


Why Grade 10 Students?

Grade 10 students are an ideal fit for the Building Futures program for a variety of reasons. They are old enough to safely work on a job site, and mature enough to grow from this opportunity. Grade 10 students will be able to earn over 50 credits in this program, which would enable them to have a reduced course load in Grades 11 and 12.

Will my child still be able to take their core courses?

Yes! Classes are held in the garage of the house. Students take their core courses for half the day, and work on the construction project for the other half of the day, earning an average of 60 credits during the year, allowing them more flexibility in planning their schedules for Grades 11 and 12.

For the entire school year students will have support from the same homeroom teachers, who specialize in complementary subject areas. Teachers learn how individuals learn best, enabling them to personalize each student's education plan. Students are challenged academically while engaged in meaningful, practical applications of building a house.

Students are taught by certified teachers and journeymen tradespeople.

Students also have the opportunity to take field trips, and to build additional items (dog houses, sheds, tool boxes, etc.).

Will students be challenged academically?

Yes. This experience will benefit most types of learners. Teachers deliver the curriculum in a personalized academic manner.  Hands-on experiences and project-based learning are designed to encourage and foster problem-solving skills, creativity and innovation.

Are the students on the work site every day?

This program follows the Sturgeon Public Schools Division calendar in the same way every other school in the Division does.

Is there a fee?

There is a $250 annual fee to cover transportation, tools and relevant learning materials. In addition to the typical school supplies students will use to complete their academic coursework, they will also require personal protective equipment (PPE) and construction tools. Some of this will be provided by the builder; the rest is the responsibility of the student. See Building Futures School Supply List.

Where do the students go on Field Trips?

Students will have the opportunity to participate in optional field trips throughout the year. The cost of each field trip varies and is determined on a cost-recovery basis.

These field trips may include visits to:

  • Window/door and design centres
  • Concrete and stair manufacturers
  • A landscape centre
  • Main Office of San Rufo Homes (sales and service)
  • Various well-being activities

Does this take place over one or two semesters?

Although Building Futures is a full year program, some of its academic courses are split into semesters. Core instruction occurs in the classroom, and students are expected to catch up on any missed coursework as soon as possible. 

Students may have the opportunity to complete other projects for credit over the course of the school year, and/or explore academic subject matter that appeals to their individual passions. 

Building Futures students will earn credit in the following academic courses, which can be used to fulfill their High School Graduation Requirements.


Credits Earned

Sample Timeline

Math 10-C or 10-3



English 10-1 or 10-2



Career and Life Management (CALM) 20



Science 10 or 14



Social Studies 10-1 or 10-2



Physical Education 10 



What CTS Credits will students receive?

Throughout the process of building a house in collaboration with San Rufo Homes, students have the opportunity to earn credit in the following Career & Technology Studies (CTS) courses. The credits earned in the CTS portion of Building Futures can be used to fulfill certain graduation requirements. All courses listed below are worth 1 credit each.

10-Level Courses

20-Level Courses

30-Level Courses

Construction Tools
& Materials

Site Preparation

Structures & Finishes

Building Construction

Concrete Forming

Wall & Ceiling Finishing

Product Management

Framing Systems: Floor

Stair Construction

Manufactured Materials

Framing Systems: Walls

Doors & Trim


Roof Structures 1



Electrical Systems

Energy Efficient Housing


Plumbing Systems

Site Management



Framing Systems: Advanced



Workplace Safety Systems



Workplace Safety Practices

Will students be able to take part in extracurricular activities like school athletics?

Yes, Students will be transported back to Sturgeon Composite High School in time to participate in after-school activities.

Will students be allowed to participate if they have no previous experience with tools or trades?

Yes! We expect no previous knowledge and will teach each skill as needed.

Can students apprentice during this experience?

No. Students will not be able to apprentice during their year in Building Futures. However, this experience will allow them to witness many different trades in action, and provide the knowledge to make a more sound decision about their future career endeavours.

Academic, Behaviour & Safety Standards

Academics will always be prioritized in Building Futures. Should a student fall behind in their studies, measures will be taken to assist them in catching up. This may mean the student will miss time on-site and/or work on assignments during lunchtime. In extreme cases, teachers and Administration may review the student's compatibility with the program, with the possibility of the student's removal.

Students must adhere to the professional expectations of San Rufo Homes and any other community partner they work with, and behave appropriately while on site. The house they build together will eventually become somebody's home and needs to be finished to a professional standard.

While on-site, students will be expected to comply with safety standards set out by both Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and Sturgeon Public Schools. Should students be deemed working unsafely, their behaviour will be corrected with the expectation to comply with instructions immediately. There is no time for long, drawn-out safety debates in a construction zone. Safety is paramount in the Building Futures program. We want all students to have a positive experience and stay safe on the job site.

Building Futures Materials List

Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with your name. 

  • 1 Pair CSA Approved Steel Toe boots 
  • 1- 25’ tape measure with metric and imperial units of measure 
  • 1- framing hammer (not too heavy, approx. 20 oz) 
  • 1- finishing hammer 
  • 1- tool pouch 
  • 1- chalk line 
  • 1- small nail puller (10-15”) 
  • 1- large style 25mm olfa knife with extra blades 
  • 1- framing square (7”) 
  • 2 pairs thin gloves 
  • 2 pairs warm gloves 
  • 1- package of black sharpies 
  • 1- small notebook 
  • 2-  2” or larger Binder 
  • 1 -1” Binder 
  • 2 packages of loose leaf paper 
  • 1 package of 1cm x 1 cm grid paper 
  • 10 HB pencils 
  • 10 assorted pens 
  • 2 erasers 
  • 1 package pencil crayons

If you are interested and would like your child considered for the program, please complete the google form here:

Building Futures 2025/26 Application

The deadline to apply is April 1st, 2025