400: Budget Development
Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Corporate Services
The allocation of funds is a consultative process that is key to the system and its schools operating in an effective and efficient manner. The appropriate distribution of funds is a necessity for a healthy school division. Involvement by stakeholders in the development of the budget process is key to having the final budget understood, accepted and properly administered.
The Associate Superintendent Corporate Services will facilitate a consultative process that will lead to the development of a draft budget being brought forward to the Board of Trustees.
1. Authority to approve system budget and allocate funds rests with the Board. The Board and senior executive shall meet to plan the annual budget process.
2. Recommendations will be solicited from appropriate stakeholder groups.
3. Central Office structure and funding envelopes will be presented to Principals.
4. Principals will recommend the disbursement of school directed instructional funds.
5. Budget development templates, procedures and timelines will be explained to Principals.
6. Budget Timelines
6.1 September-October: Board Beliefs and Plans Board sets direction by looking at beliefs/philosophies on items with financial implications and develops guidelines.
6.2 September to December: Committee Work Any budget items, such as allocation framework, that requires committee work to be completed. Work completed after the end of December will be reflected in the following year’s budget.
6.3 November: Trustees/Admin Issues Forum Board, Principals and Central Office leadership team meet to identify and deal with issues.
6.4 January: Board Sets Budget Guidelines Board sets the criteria and envelope allocations for the upcoming budgets.
6.5 February to April: Budget Document Preparation
- Enrolment projections submitted first week of February
- Revenue projections developed by middle of March – depending on Alberta Education
- Adjustments made to instruction pool – divisional initiatives set by mid-March
- Allocations given to cost centers following the establishment of the pool
- Cost center budgets completed by the end of the first week of April
- Program plans completed by the end of MarchDivisional budget completed
6.6 Draft Budget: Committee of the Whole meeting in May
6.7 Budget Passed: Public Board meeting in May
Board Policy 225: Role of the Board
2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
Administrative Procedures IV. Business Administration (Budget Preparation)