Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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845: Off-Campus Education

Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Education Services



Sturgeon Public Schools supports and promotes off-campus education programs and believes that school/community partnerships provide opportunities for students to gain practical workplace experiences that enable successful transition from school to careers.


The Associate Superintendent Education Services or designate shall be responsible for maintaining this Administrative Procedure.


1. Off-campus workstations shall adhere to regulations and guidelines from Alberta Employment Standards and Alberta Education policy and guidelines.

2. The Off-Campus Education Program Agreement between the employer/supervisor, parent/guardian, student, and school outlines the expectations and responsibilities.

3. The Principal or designate shall approve work placements annually.

4. Off-Campus Education programs shall be provided under the supervision of a certificated teacher who shall, under the authority of the Principal:

4.1 approve off campus sites in accordance with Alberta Education requirements;

4.2 obtain the consent of the parent/guardian unless the student is deemed an Independent Student;

4.3 specify learner outcomes, expectations and evaluation criteria that are communicated to the student and the employer/supervisor;

4.4 ensure that all Off-Campus Education students have completed the applicable prerequisite courses;

4.5 maintain communication and contact with employers and students as necessary to ensure and enhance the learning experience for students.

5. The Principal shall submit an annual year-end report by June 30 to the Associate Superintendent Education Services or designate that will include:

5.1 Student enrolments;

5.2 List of work sites and/or participating employers;

5.3 Overview of program highlights and concerns;



Education Act: Section 22

Employment Standards, Government of Alberta

Alberta Education Policies and Guidelines

Off Campus Education Handbook, Government of Alberta

Off Campus Education Program Agreement


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval
2020 Jul 24 Amended